
A Thought on Government Run Systems

I ran across a couple of posts on reddit I felt needed to be combined and shared. The post was discussing what constitutes ‘success’ in a socialized system like healthcare, and the article was this one.

“Success is determined by the existence of the system. Some post hoc measure can be found later as a justification. If it wasn’t access, they would find something else. Cost or satisfaction (in that one poll twenty years ago) or jobs provided or… it doesn’t really matter.

To people who support them, it is self-evident that government programs are good. And those who benefit from the system sink their tendrils in very deep. As soon as such a system comes into being, its purpose becomes its own survival and growth.

Teachers are heroes. They’re underpaid. Police officers, firefighters, librarians, mailmen, and on and on it goes. How often do we hear it? Somehow being employed by the state makes one a hero. Accepting a paycheck from the king makes one a selfless martyr. But it’s never enough. The king, stingy as he is, never pays these thankless servants their due.

Unlike private industry, which must serve its customers or risk losing them, these parasites are engaged in an unending propaganda war with those they claim to serve. They gain, not by the creation of wealth or the quality of their efforts, but by extending their tendrils into the minds of those they must subdue, for it is only the weakness of their host that they desire, so that they might corrupt it and feast upon it.

Theirs is not the mutualistic symbiosis of private industry, where both parties benefit. Rather, they take on the appearance of an ally, having evolved the coloration and stripes of kin, so that they might gain entrance and devour the unsuspecting.”

A Software Engineering, gaming, hiking, gun loving Christian. Dungeon Master and BBQ aficionado.

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