Reviews,  TTRPG

Trying out Foundry VTT

I stumbled across FoundryVTT while browsing the interwebs and really liked the idea of having my own instanced VTT server, and it promises to be more responsive than Roll20. The one downside so far is they don’t have licensing for any game systems yet, so I’ve been having to copy/paste from my rulebooks into the library.
I figured I’d try another go at Savage Worlds, and have been putting those rules into it. Once the rules are in there, everything works surprisingly well.

I’m going to try for a Space Opera setting a la Star Wars or Mass Effect. A bunch of random alien species, pulpy sci-fi, mysterious powers, and high tech guns.

On that note I’ve been back heavily into No Man’s Sky. I don’t know what it is but I keep coming back to it. It’s oddly relaxing, and I alternate between exploring and base building with the occasional dalliance into researching and improving my ships and gear.

A Software Engineering, gaming, hiking, gun loving Christian. Dungeon Master and BBQ aficionado.

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