This game may have just been one of the greatest games of football I’ve ever seen. I seriously thought the Saints would pull through in the end, but Minnesota managed to pull of a literal last minute miracle. The entire second half was just incredible. Kudos to both teams for showing off just how insanely good they were.
So, having completed Destiny 2’s story campaign and started on the post-story/max level stuff I feel good enough to state that the only real similarity between Destiny and Warframe is that they’re both Sci-Fi games based around a loot grind. But even how they go about doing the loot grind is different. The best analogy I found is Destiny 2 is a Movie and Warframe is a TV show. Destiny is gorgeous, it oozes AAA quality in every aspect from art, to music to VAs (Nathon Fillion as Cayde-6 is absolutely amazing), and you know it had the budget to match when making the game. This is your big budget…
I found this on reddit. Original thread here by /u/honeybunchesofpwn. This is something that I feel should be read. “Well it depends on what it is you’re trying to solve. If you’re trying to solve highly unique events like what happened in Las Vegas, it’s gonna be difficult. However, if you want to tackle the broader issue of gun violence, there are some substantial changes we can make that will have a positive impact. Enforce existing gun laws. Our federal firearm prosecution rates are tragically pathetic, and have been on the decline. Although some progress might be being made. Improve the NICS background check system. The National Shooting Sports Foundation has…
In which I discuss my latest TTRPG Interest
This is probably the best cover to Toto’s Africa ever.
I should have run some bitcoin mining while I was in college. We all knew about it, and talked about it, but never did it because we didn’t really think it would go anywhere. However, if we had put in even $10 when we heard about it (which if we’d been mining, we would have been way more than that), I’d be worth $4.8 Million today. Feels bad man.
I’m starting to see a very worrying trend emerging in the US Political landscape. The far left is, probably unintentionally, trying to whitewash US history. Things in our past are ‘problematic’ and anything reminding them of that ‘problematic’ issue must be removed and eliminated. Antifa and BLM vandalized a statue in Atlanta called Peace, it was an angel holding an olive branch over a confederate soldier putting down his rifle. At the outset of the war some of the Atlanta City Gate Guard, a local militia, were among the first to take up arms against the North. After the war, a group of survivors went to the North on a…
Is probably the most Guy Ritchiest movie. I mean that in a “if you love his style, you’ll probably love this movie” kind of way. I did really enjoy it, but I’m fully aware that I’ll be in the minority here. The magic was siiiiick, and fantastic to look at. The dialogue was everything you’d expect from him. The action sequences were… interesting. I enjoyed them, but there were some parts that calling it ‘choppy and/or blurred’ is putting it nicely. This movie is definitely going on my guilty pleasures list.