• Reviews

    Sea of Thieves Final Beta

    I had an absolute blast playing the final open beta of Sea of Thieves. I’m really thinking I’ll buy this when it comes out. It’s all about being the pirate you always wanted to be. No real progression, other than cosmetics and earning reputation to get better ventures. I haven’t had this much fun on the seas since Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag. Which, I feel I may as well load up again while I wait for release of this game.

  • Reviews

    Initial Thor: Ragnarok reaction

    Thor: Ragnarok was the Thor movie to end all Thor movies. It had pretty much everything, from scenes that would fit perfectly on album covers for power metal bands, the 80s norse retro future  synthwave feel, some serious surprises, and by far the most hilarious comedy in the entire MCU. An extra special feat considering the subject matter (the literal apocalypse in Asguard) that really pulled it off.

  • Ramblings,  Reviews

    Destiny vs Warframe

    So, having completed Destiny 2’s story campaign and started on the post-story/max level stuff I feel good enough to state that the only real similarity between Destiny and Warframe is that they’re both Sci-Fi games based around a loot grind. But even how they go about doing the loot grind is different. The best analogy I found is Destiny 2 is a Movie and Warframe is a TV show. Destiny is gorgeous, it oozes AAA quality in every aspect from art, to music to VAs (Nathon Fillion as Cayde-6 is absolutely amazing), and you know it had the budget to match when making the game. This is your big budget…

  • Check This Out,  Reviews

    Now this is Dogfighting

    EVE: Valkyrie released this week. It is pretty much everything I’d ever want out of a space combat game. Lots of ships, lots of lasers/beams/guns/missiles/etc. Your ship feels tiny (in the EVE universe, you’re the fighters in the Carrier you can pilot on the MMO side of things) and your weapons feel great. I wish I had a VR system and a hotas joystick and I’d be in combat heaven. But nonetheless the Stix is my ship of choice, and I’m still trying to figure out whether I like the keyboard or gamepad more. I may just have to drop the money on a joystick if I can’t figure it…

  • Check This Out,  Reviews

    Latest Games

    I’m addicted to this newish mobile game called Creature Quest. It’s adorable, there isn’t really any pay to win (or at least the premium currency drops exceptionally often, so casual players never feel left out). And they just introduced a little kingdom building element today. Silly mobile games, I love you. Speaking of love, I absolutely loved the Destiny 2 PC open beta, and am actually really excited about playing it. Unfortunately PC release is late October. Bleh…

  • Check This Out,  Reviews

    Valerian: City of a Thousand Planets Opening Scene

    I went to see Spider-Man: Homecoming again today and they showed the opening scene of Valerian: City of a Thousand Planets. It blew me away. It could have been its own short film, and it told the tale of humanity’s expansion and diplomatic missions via a space station in orbit around earth that began in the 1970s with each mission adding its own little bit to the station. As the years go by each mission adds its own bit to the station. Finally an alien race shows up, and it’s a peaceful first contact, and then another and another throughout many more years, and the station just gets bigger and…

  • Comics Related,  Reviews

    Injustice 2

    I’m usually really bad with fighting games, to the point I rarely go out of my way to play them anymore. That said… I’m still really bad at Injustice 2. I did make it through the entire story line with all the different paths on Medium difficulty though, so I’ve got that going for me. As terrible as I am, I absolutely love this game. The story is actually pretty great, there’s a deep roster of characters (I got Wonder Woman up to 20 already for the movie gear, but I doubt she’ll be my ‘main’), a really nice equipment system, and best of all for me, individual character tutorials.…

  • Reviews

    Wonder Woman Has Got This

    Wonder Woman has the definite potential to be DC’s Iron Man movie. That is, the movie that finally gets their superhero line off the ground. I will find it absolutely hilarious if Wonder Woman and Aquaman of all people wind up being the standout DC Movie characters. I absolutely loved Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. She is pretty much the living embodiment of the character on screen. Chris Pine did a fantastic Job as Steve Trevor, and the chemistry the two of them had on screen was phenomenal. There is a fight scene in No Man’s Land that is probably in my top 10 greatest superhero moments on screen. I loved it.…