Jitsu wa Watashi wa (Translated as Actually I Am), is a Manga series written and illustrated by Eiji Masuda. It was published by Akita Shoten in Weekly Shōnen Champion and ran from January 2013 – February 2017. It has been collected into 22 volumes, with Seven Seas Entertainment translating and publishing it under the name My Monster Secret in North America starting in 2016. It has also been adapted into an anime, but I’m going to stick with the manga here. There is no reason for it to be as good as it is. It hits some serious “No I’m not interested in that” before even starting. Combine these things…
I learned how to SCUBA dive, and my thoughts on it.
The 2nd Amendment does not apply to firearms and here's why.
June 6, 1944. Omaha beach. And this is what the beach looks like today.
Barack Obama became President of the US because People Magazine thought actor Garret Wang was attractive. Here's how.
I opine about the good old days of WoW cinematics and the new Dragonflight trailer.
A quote from Alexis de Tocqueville for the day
Boba Fett was disappointing. I explain why I think so.
Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice) [Anime and Manga]The manga is a deeply emotional experience, and it has a single panel with Shouko, one of the major characters, laying on a bed that I consider one of the most heart wrenching moments in a manga I’ve ever experienced. It’s a story about bullying, redemption, friendship, and hardship. It’s very heavy, as it revolves around a deaf girl who spend a part of her youth being bullied. But told from the perspective of her bully. The movie will make people cry, but it’s just a cliffs’ notes version of the manga. Definitely one of the most impactful things I’ve read and…
I go through the manga I'm currently enjoying the most.